“That’s [Kamala’s predicament with her powers] quite a puzzle. But then—if you have lived like I have, lost what I have—you learn to find beauty in the pieces.”
—Sana, Kamala Khan’s Grandmother,
“Ms. Marvel” (2022)
Selected Writings of M. Harbinger
“That’s [Kamala’s predicament with her powers] quite a puzzle. But then—if you have lived like I have, lost what I have—you learn to find beauty in the pieces.”
—Sana, Kamala Khan’s Grandmother,
“Ms. Marvel” (2022)
I was pleased to recently hang with my friend Ron Marz (DC / Marvel / CrossGen / Dark Horse / Image …you get the idea), the comic industry writing Legend and all around Great Guy.
He was very helpful in guiding me when I wrote, edited, and produced my own comic anthology.
If there’s anyone, anywhere who spins a better Silver Surfer yarn, I don’t know who it is. And, for my money, his Justice League: Endless Winter graphic novel stacks up against any other JLA adventure.
As we posed for pics, I suggested we do a ‘Kevin Smith’ and he knew exactly what I meant.
In 1967, Paul McCartney let a stranger claiming to be Jesus Christ sit in on a Beatles recording session, saying, “Well, it probably isn’t. But if he is, I’m not going to be the one to turn him away”
Folks, I’m telling you,
birthing is hard
and dying is mean-
so get yourself
a little loving
in between.
— Langston Hughes
Who is the most famous ‘person of color’ in human #history?
Answer: Jesus of Nazareth.
I don’t want a preacher in a pulpit telling me how to vote or a politician at a podium telling me how to pray.
Yet, strangely, I want Scarlett Johansson telling me how to do everything. Hmmm.